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Drop List (Boxes, Mini Games)



Mastery Box (Minor)

100 ~ 1000 RUUD (random)


Mastery Box (Standard)

300 ~ 1500 RUUD (random)


Mastery Box (Greater)

1000 ~ 3000 RUUD (random)


Heart of Love

Low Tier Weapons (55%);

Almost all Shields (40%);

Bless, Soul, Chaos (5%).


Silver Medal

Low Tier Set Items all classes:

Scale, Plate, Bone, Sphinx, Wind, Spirit, Storm Crow, Adamantine, Light Plate, Violet Wing, Red Wing, Sacred Fire, Robust, Gru Hill, Rune Pad, Rune Spink, Slayer Set.


Gold Medal

Medium Tier Set Items all classes:

Ashcrow, Eclipse, Iris, Thunder Hawk, Dark Steel, Ancient, Storm Jahad, Princie, Rune Legendary, Slayer Demonic.


Box of Heaven

High Tier Set Items All classes:

Great Dragon, Dark Soul, Red Spirit, Hurricane, Dark Master, Demonic, Piercing, Sate, Kenaz, Nightwing.


Red Chocolate Box

High Tier Weapons (75%);

Bless, Soul, Chaos (3%);

Demon or Guardian Spirit (2%);

Imp or Angel (12%);

Zen (8%).


Box of Kundun (1 - 5)

Excellent items for all classes. Like usually on new seasons ...



Contact Us if have some cool suggestions!




Mini Games



01~20 Points: Minor Box - 50~100 (random) Ruud + 50 GP Per Evomon

21~40 Points: Standard Box - 100~200 (random) Ruud + 50 GP Per Evomon

41~50 Points: Greater Box - 200~350 (random) Ruud + 50 GP Per Evomon

51~60 Points: Luxurious Box - 350~550 (random) Ruud + 50 GP Per Evomon

61~69 Points: Magnificent Box - 550~1000 (random) Ruud + 50 GP Per Evomon

Special Evomon: Legendary - 50~1000 (random) Ruud + 1000 GP Per Evomon


Find Bombs

0~150 Points: Lower Box

3 Jewel of Soul

151~850 Points: Medium Box

5 Jewel of Soul

851~1100 Points: Higher Box

7 Jewel of Bless + 7 Jewel of Soul + 3 Jewel of Chaos + 3 Jewel of Creation

1101~...: Points: Luxury Box

15 Jewel of Bless + 15 Jewel of Soul + 5 Jewel of Chaos + 5 Jewel of Creation


Mu Roomy

0~199 Points: 1.000.000 Zen

200+ Points: Shiny Jewelry Case

2 Jewel of Bless + 3 Jewel of Soul + 1 Harmony

250+ Points: Elegant Jewelry Case

5 Jewel of Bless + 5 Jewel of Soul + 3 Harmony

350+ Points:  Steel Jewelry Case

8 Jewel of Bless + 8 Jewel of Soul + 5 Harmony




- Guide Posted by MuO Play Administration -

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